Listen to this page with proReader


Here is a list of great suggestions from our membership that can easily be implemented .

Working with clay to make a picture of a word or to spell a word.

Downloading audio books onto an ipod so that our child can keep up with what others his own age are reading.

Organizing lots of experiences outside the classroom, remembering that every activity helps associate vocabulary with a real life experience.

Taking up yoga – relieving stress and anxiety that can build when navigating the world.

Three things that make the biggest difference:

  1. recognition that there is something different - and open discussion (no longer hiding it)
  2. acceptance and tolerance develop pride in talents and skills
  3. dyslexia is the cause of our difficulty (and our abilities) but not an excuse

A video showing teachers what it is like to walk in the shoes of a dyslexic student.

Teachers acknowledging that many strategies to help students with dyslexia can be used for all students.

Set up a support group for dyslexic students

Rhyming games (to help the child make the connections between words, helps with spelling too).

Not accepting school teachers when they write comments like  "needs to study harder/more!!"

Rhyming games (to help the child make the connections between words, helps with spelling too).

Use Reader/Writers- these can be a student instead of a Teacher Aide.

Children in buddies for topic work so only one has to write ideas, recordings, answers etc. Dyslexic children can participate fully without their writing holding them back.

Have listening books in the school library.

Using a highlighter on every second line of text on printouts to keep the lines straighter for dyspraxia as well as dyslexia.

Use a variety of ways to communicate to your class, not just text/writing.

Ensure font, size and spacing is clear and consistent.

Use technology whenever possible in the classroom

Introducing the Dyslexia Foundation’s 4D programme to my school.

Trialing different ideas in classrooms and feeding back on results to benefit all staff- fostering an Inclusive Culture.

One instruction at a time.

Spread a test over a number of pages rather than crammed onto one page. Allow room for sketching rather than just the written word or even better, take the test orally.

Supporting parents of dyslexic children by having an understanding of their learning and teaching needs and by having an open discussion with parents about what works.

Remember that you have permission to adapt or not use assessments if they are not benefitting the learner.

Computers are often a dyslexic’s best friend!


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